Monday, March 26, 2012

What's Cooking?

I found this Fairytale Pumpkin squash at the vegetable stand today. You can see how it got its name, from that shape found in so many illustrations of Cinderella. I sliced it up and discovered a rich deep orange flesh inside--this photo just can't do the color justice.

Now the chunks are roasting at 375 in the oven. I really have no idea what I'm going to do with them so we'll just have to see! It's fun to try something out.

More later, as this plays out. Anyone with ideas, please post!

Next day: Well, so far no fairytale ending for the Fairytale Pumpkin. I followed roasting instructions I found on the internet and ended up with tough chunks of pumpkin. I should have known better. I will probably dice some of it up and throw into the stew I'm making this afternoon.

The name Fairytale Pumpkin is too alluring to give up on, so I'm picking up another one and will try again using a roasting pan covered with foil to retain moisture.

It's fun to write about cooking successes, but the fact is that a lot of cooking is try, try again.

A couple of days later: Well, it wasn't a loss after all. I was in a hurry the other day so made a quick lunch by heating up a big chunk of the cooked pumpkin, finishing off with a dab of butter and salt. The squash flavor had intensified by sitting in the fridge, and the flesh had rehydrated a bit. It was tasty and took me through the whole afternoon. I know something that deep orange and fiber-rich has to be super-healthy as well. I ate pumpkin for lunch again today. Even though it had been sitting in the fridge for 5 days, it was just as tasty. I can see this as an easy way to make lunches for school.

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