Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eat real food

In yesterday's San Bernardino Sun a consumer reporter recommended saving money by buying a whole freezerful of beef before prices rose. That same day the LA Times referenced, again, the "pink slime" additive found in so much ground beef without any special labeling required. Just below that was a link to the study noting that any amount of red meat shortens a person's expected life span (and it doesn't seem to matter whether it's the quality stuff worth packing away in a freezer or the 2 for 99 cents burgers from am/pm). Ewwww.

I understand the allure of meaty, hearty meals. It's just that you don't need a butcher to get you there. That's why god gave us beans and herbs and all sorts of other lovely ingredients. The other day my friend Maryanne reminded me of Michael Pollan's most basic rule: Eat real food. Mostly plants.

We were at our favorite produce stand, browsing among the lettuces. I had a crockpot of cranberry beans simmering at home (they are very similar to pintos, just a little larger and sweeter, and cook a bit faster) and, as I surveyed all the options for turning them into a delicious meal, I wondered why anyone would be offended by Pollan's love of actual, authentic food. You'd be amazed at the names he gets called: Food Nazi is one of the kinder ones.

I came home with not only the Fairytale Pumpkin whose story has yet to turn magical (see earlier post), but also a box of good ol' fashioned local produce that is finding its way into my delicious
happily ever after. This morning I sauteed a little onion, garlic, anaheim chile, and orange bell pepper together, ladled in some of the cranberry beans, and then stepped outside for a few leaves of fresh sage. The earthiness of the sage filled out all the other flavors, and in less time than it takes to brown a Jimmy Dean sausage I had a beautiful plate of that best of all country breakfasts. No artery-clogging bacon needed, and no greasy skillet to scrub out later. It's not just that I want to eat good food that keeps me healthy, it's that this was the yummiest option out there in breakfastland.