Thursday, September 8, 2011

Potluck (fridgeluck?) pasta for supper

I'm copying this from a food note I wrote last January, because I remember this being one of my favorite dishes, and it was just spur of the moment...

After an afternoon of yardwork, I came inside hungry for something hearty. I also wanted to use up all the little bits of veggies left in my fridge, and the last bit of short rigatoni left in my pantry.  Together, it made something tasty and really beautiful!

While the pasta was boiling, I chopped the veggies into 1/4 - 1/2" chunks so they would combine well with the sturdy pasta:
§         onion
§         mushrooms
§         crookneck squash
§         zucchini
I minced some garlic and roughly chopped up some baby spinach leaves

In a cast iron skillet I fried up the onion and mushroom with some minced garlic.  Threw in some dried thyme, dried basil, and pepper flakes.  Added the squash and zucchini, and in a bit, the spinach.   Sauteed on low for awhile.  Drained the pasta, leaving a little liquid.  Added the veggies to the pasta, tossed in some chopped walnuts, then on a whim squeezed a little lemon over everything.  

There're no unusual ingredients in this, but the flavor combination was so rich for how simple it is.  I think the lemon was the key, just brightened everything up.  It would be even better with fresh herbs, but I didn't have any on hand.  I also loved the hearty element the walnuts add.  I had a little grated romano cheese left, just the perfect amount to sprinkle over a plateful of this pasta, so satisfying after an afternoon of hard work!  Also, I used up my leftover bits in the fridge, and now I can go shopping for fresh supplies.

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