Friday, January 10, 2014

Veggie Burger Love!

If you've been following my posts you know I've been having fun with my Veggie Burgers Every Which Way cookbook, along the way learning a lot about the foundation ingredients of non-soy veggie burgers. Tonight it was time to strike out on my own. What I like about these is that they make a really well-rounded meal--complete protein, lots of other nutrients, and just enough fat to be balanced and truly healthy, while still tasting indulgent. I used everything I've learned about boosting flavors with mushroom, walnuts, etc. to make a full-flavored burger. It's pretty simple and yummy yummy.

The result? Tastiest veggie burger I've ever made. For my gluten-free friends,this version is just your thang!

Without much further ado, here it is. Haven't had time to name it yet. Any suggestions?

Makes 8 patties

1/4 cup quinoa
1 15-oz can black beans (no-salt variety)
1 shallot
5 oz (1/2 bag) crimini mushrooms
2 carrots
Fat handful fresh greens, such as spinach, kale, etc. (I used Trader Joe's mixed baby power greens--spinach/chard/kale)
Fingerful of fresh mint (dried herbs would be fine)
1 tsp chopped fresh sage
1/2 tsp chopped fresh oregano
3 eggs, lightly beaten
2 Tbl brown mustard
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese (unnecessary, but a nice indulgence)
1-2 Tbl coconut flour (you can use 1/2 - 1 cup bread crumbs, depending on your needs)
1/2 tsp baking powder
Hearty splash lemon juice
1 tsp salt (or more to taste)
1/4 to 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
Healthy pinch red pepper flakes (or more to taste)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Place the quinoa in a fine sieve and rinse well. Cook with 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan and set aside. Drain and rinse the black beans, set aside.

Chop the mushrooms into pretty small pieces. Peel and roughly chop the carrots, then place in a food processor along with the greens, shallot, and fresh herbs. Process in short bursts until everything is small pieces but not so fine as to be mush. Saute the mushrooms in a skillet (preferably cast iron, of course!). This gives them a good meaty texture and flavor.

In a mixing bowl, mash the beans with a fork or potato masher. Mix all ingredients together, adjusting coconut flour (or bread crumbs) according to mixture wetness. Let sit for a while.

Heat up a griddle and oil well (no need to skimp--don't bother with Pam or something like that).

Scoop about 1/3 cup mixture, press firmly together in a ball, and flatten to about 1/2" thick. Place on griddle and let cook until nicely firm and toasty brown on bottom. This will take a little while, because you want the patty to cook through the middle while it's developing that toasty outer layer. Top surface should be somewhat dry before you flip. Cook nice 'n toasty on the other side.

Mom and I ate these with avocado, greens, and sliced tomato. She thought a nice yogurt sauce (such as raita) would really go well, and I'm definitely trying that next time!

Extra patties? You can cool, wrap in wax paper and ziplock bag or tupperware, and refrigerate or freeze for later.

I didn't think about photos as I was cooking, so I will try to remember next time I make them, which will be soon.

I'd love feedback! Let me know what you think, and if you try out this recipe.