Friday, January 18, 2013

Deep green, deep flavor

A blogger's obsession with kale inspired me to grab a bunch on my last trip to Stater Brothers. It's such a beautiful green but I have tended to think of it just as the frilly but indestructible filler wedged between bowls in a cafeteria salad bar.

It's Friday, and a late afternoon run delivered me home with a hungry tummy and less patience than I normally have for making the meal that starts out my weekend. I just wanted supper!

First thing, get some pasta boiling. Whole wheat, something that'll stick to my ribs.

Then, saute up some onion, garlic, and mushrooms--a base for the kale, just because eating kale after a five-mile run seems like what one ought to do. I'd forgotten how long kale takes to cook, so when it wasn't softening up fast enough, even though I'd sliced out the ribs and chopped it fairly small, I poured in a little pasta water and slapped a lid on the frying pan (cast iron, of course!).

Finishing touches included dried basil, a few pepper flakes, and my favorite chopped walnuts.
When I sprinkled parmesan on the dish and dug in, I was just expecting a forkful of healthy, satisfying pasta. What surprised me was how complex and charming the flavor profile was. Layers of nutty--the expected flavor from the wheat pasta and the walnuts, enhanced by unexpected nuttiness from the kale. Now I understand that blogger's obsession with it, and am now on my own dark green odyssey.